Pragya Tiwari, Our Poster Artist

Pragya Tiwari

Pragya Tiwari


We love posters. The process of designing them forces us to think about what is at the core of each play. Pragya Tiwari is the brilliant artist who captures the essence of our productions in her poster art and creates visually stunning pieces every time. She has designed most of our posters since we started our theatre company in 2014. Needless to say, we love her work.

And she loves us back. In her words -

When the opportunity to design for Bay Area Drama Company came up, I was thrilled. With their thought-provoking and entertaining theatre, they gave me a broad platform to experiment and create thoughtful work.
Collaborating with BAD Company has been immensely gratifying both personally and professionally. Creating the visual identity for their topical theatre has allowed me to push boundaries for visual communication on contemporary issues that I care deeply about. I hope that this collaboration continues to spark an honest dialogue that encourages you to immerse yourself in the wonderful theatre created by BAD Company.

Pragya's Posters, a retrospective of Pragya's work with us is now on our website.

Basab Pradhan