Low Res on Zoom – Some Other Kind of Person

Miss us? Truth be told, we miss you. A lot.

In times when society is under stress, art can act as the balm. Succor for the soul. But this pandemic has been brutal to the performing arts. With everything shutdown and who knows how long till we can stage a play, we thought we’d keep the flame alight by doing play readings. Where else to do these play readings but on your favorite video conferencing service - Zoom.

For our first Low Res on Zoom, we present a terrific play Some Other Kind of Person. Read on…

Some Other Kind of Person is an unlikely comedy about human trafficking and the misguided attempts of charity of Americans abroad.

Bill is a passive, unreflective middle-management guy who travels the world for his employer but never leaves his hotel. Until, one night in Phnom Penh, he does, and stumbles into a room full of underage sex slaves. Inspired to do something selfless for the first time ever, he decides to liberate one young prostitute from her life of misery by purchasing her. But it’s hard to attend to your business trip when you're the owner of a new child prostitute, and there’s no line item on the expense account for that kind of thing, and it all gets really aggravating when she keeps not doing what you tell her to.


The reading will take place on Saturday, April 25th at 7:30 PM online via Zoom video conferencing. The duration is 90 minutes plus Q&A. An RSVP is required to attend. We will send you a link which should get you going. All you need is a computer or a phone and the free Zoom app. The number of participants is limited so let us know as soon as you can if you’ll be attending.

Admission is free.

Note: If you aren’t familiar with Zoom or video conferencing, please let us know. We’ll be happy to help.

Registrations are closed. But not to worry. You can still watch the reading live on our Facebook page.

Low ResBasab Pradhan