Audition Notice – A DOLL'S HOUSE

Auditions for A DOLL'S HOUSE
A play in English by Henrik Ibsen
Adapted and Directed by Basab Pradhan

July 23-24, Front Row Theatre, San Ramon

Auditions will be held in the Mission Area, Fremont on May 14.

Please contact for an appointment.  You will receive a confirmation email with a time-slot.


Kevin - Male, any ethnicity, mid 30s to early 40s

All other roles are being played by actors who were in last year's production.

Please prepare a 2 minute monologue in English for the audition.  If shortlisted, you will be provided with sides from the play and called back the same afternoon.

Rehearsals begin in the week of May 23rd and will be held in Fremont.

Performances & Tech:  July 22-24 at Front Row Theatre, San Ramon.

If you would like to join the production team for this play, please sign up here expressing your area of interest (sets, costumes, props, etc.)

ADHRBasab Pradhan