Ek Zahreeli Hawa (A Poisonous Gas)

The words to the song Ek Zahreeli Hawa were written by the late director and playwright Dr. Habib Tanvir. BHOPAL was originally written by Rahul Varma in English. Habib Tanvir translated it into a Hindi play also called Ek Zahreeli Hawa, which was staged in many cities across India.

Subhapriya Srivatsan took on the challenge of composing the music for Ek Zahreeli Hawa. Subha is a trained Carnatic and Hindustani classical singer. The result is a beautiful, haunting song that will convey its emotion to you even if you don't understand a word of Hindi. 

Subha will be singing Ek Zahreeli Hawa live for the show accompanying Sharmi Mukherjee's dance.

Photo credit: Ashima Yadava Photography

BhopalBasab Pradhan